Friday, December 16, 2022

the Hannukkah snow

This second week of December 2022 has been particularly cold and it brought snow a bit everywhere in Italy. However, Turin and Piedmont made the frontpage once again thanks to their being 'the Quebec of Italy' because of both the cold, our French sounding dialect and let's admit it: our peculiar ways too.

the courtyard of the Turin's City Hall

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Holidays in Turin

Galleria San Federico

And just like that it is December 2022 and the Holiday season has officially kicked off some time in November when many Italians decided it was time to put up their tannenbaum. By now, the only decoration Turin is still missing is her official Christmas tree that will be placed in the 'royal piazza' in front of the royal palace, where the elephant and the novice were in the summer, on December the 8th
This year the Turin Christmas tree won't be alone as a tiny wood of 20 smaller decorated trees will surround it. They will be out till January 8th, so Befana can enjoy them for a couple more days too.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

travel tips 2 Turin

10 useful tips about Turin

1. Start your Italian travel from Turin or end it here: Turin has its own airport, TRN - well connected to Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam and Madrid where you can connect to and from your international flight.


2. Check what events are going to be held during your visit: there's always something cool going on in Turin and the city can be crowded!

Friday, September 30, 2022

Why Reine loves Turin

This past summer, despite the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, we were lucky to have our friend and Turinepi19 guest Reine back in Turin. So, we took advantage of her presence and asked her why she loves Torino so much and what people can do during their stay.

Reine enjoying her custard filled cube in Piazza Carignano

Saturday, August 13, 2022

La zanzara del Nilo

 Questo racconto è dedicato a tutti gli amanti di Torino, del Piemonte e della lingua italiana.

Agosto 2022: Piazza IV Marzo sold out per la cena

Friday, August 5, 2022

Turinepi22 with Alex Futter

 At Turin Epicurean Capital we like to keep in touch with all our friends, guests and collaborators.

Alex Futter and Lucia enjoying food in Turin

Alex Futter has been a LONG time friend and we are lucky enough to have him visiting Turin quite frequently. Over the years, he has brought over his closest friends, family and girlfriend and by now, he can easily navigate Turin without a map!

In short Alex is a Turin expert!

This is why we included his top Turin recs in this 9th edition so you all can take notes and visit these must-see and must-eat-at places in town:

As many people still wonder about what Turin Epicurean Capital is and what we actually do, in the following clip, Alex played Stanley Tucci in Searching for Italy and exclusively interviewed Lucia Hannau, the mind behind all you see on the turinepi accounts:

Thank you so much, Alex, for helping us sharing what we do and how this project was born! Despite all predictions, Turin is still very much under the radar but luckily, even in this sultry hot summer, we can hear more and more international languages downtown.

Alex with Toret our Turin symbol

Needless to tell you, we are waiting for you, Alex, in Torino next time you fly over, and who knows what movie they will be filming in Piazza San Carlo, what new gelato flavor you'll enjoy and what you'll try at Osteria Rabezzana 😋

One thing is for sure: you'll feel at home!

Thank you so much again for being our very own Turinepi Stanley Tucci!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Apocalisse 4800

Questo post è dedicato a tutti i nostri amici che amano e studiano la lingua italiana, Torino e il Piemonte.

Caffé Torino

L'estate 2022 a Torino e in Piemonte ci sta trasformando tutti in Marcovaldo 2.0. Iniziata a Maggio senz'avvisaglie quest'estate è dirompente ed incontrollabile sotto tutti i punti di vista.

Andiamo ad elencarli per consolarci dei nostri mali comuni che tutto sommato, per la maggior parte, sono sopportabili come i piccoli diavoli della vita quotidiana che azzittiamo con un pugno in testa o un'occhiataccia.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Turinepi22 for Ukraine

As this 9th edition of Turin Epicurean Capital is in solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainians, thanks to our friend Olessea founder and manager of Reborn In Italy we had the pleasure to meet and introduce you to Ann Belokur and her son Alex.

If you are into ethical fashion and sustainable design please follow Olessea on the Reborn In Italy on IG

Ann is a professional photographer from Kyiv, Ukraine and she's now based in Turin. Her son Alex is an undergrad at the School of Architecture here in Turin. This is one of the pictures Ann took of me when we met and we strolled around Turin.

Lucia of TurinEpi by Ann Belokur: city stroll

Friday, June 24, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

May of glory

Despite the surging Covid19 cases and the war in Ukraine, we made it to May 2022! Finally, Turin and Piedmont are ready for their month of international glory!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Bridgerton's Turin

Dearest readers,

it has come to the attention of this author that Turin has always been on a Bridgerton's mood since the 10th century at the very least!
Back then of course, not even the Bridgertons were the family we all know today, and the Midland English dialect was emerging over the others and yet... in Turin, in 940, we had already set our local ton that turned royal in 1280. 

Turin's fountains are shaped like a bull

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

almost free

As we are approaching April and May we are starting to see the light at the end of the covid19 tunnel or at least, this is what the Italian government wants us to believe.

Cinzano bubbly wine another Turin brand founded in 1757

Thursday, March 10, 2022

St Anthony church

This 2022 is proving to be another trying year and we feel the need call to our rescue somebody powerful. The perks of being a Roman Catholic are definitely many, for example, we have the sweet and fat Mardi Gras season and we celebrate name-days like a second birthday, with wishes, presents and sometimes even parties. Most of all though, the plethora of saints we worship guarantees us to be covered in all fields of life!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

fat week 2022

Happy settimana grassa or fat week dear amici 🎉 This is the week that leads to Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday and the end of the Carnival celebrations in the Roman Catholic countries.
So, we have to take advantage of our culinary seasonal specialties that are basically a giant keto diet before detoxing for the 40 days of Lent 😓

Many of you have been asking about the situation these days and what we are forecasting. Let us remind you that even if Lucia is a Turin insider, she is not a secret agent yet. As a piscean, she does have a strong 6th sense but helas, her powers are limited (she didn't attend Hogwarts... just the Turin University and the OSU) and she doesn't own a crystal ball 😖 ... yet!

This is what we know up to February 22nd 2022.

Our covid19 infections are still quite high, our RT rate is 9.9% but hospitalizations are going down. The booster and children campaigns weren't as successful in Italy but by March 1st we are starting the 4th shot for the immunocompromised. As for the 4th shot for the regular population, we don't have an official press release by the government yet. However, our army general who is in charge of the logistics said today they think it will be in the Fall, maybe starting on late September.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

SS. Trinità church

The Santissima Trinità church in Turin is located in central Via Garibaldi, at the corner with Via XX Settembre, towards Piazza Castello.

Friday, January 21, 2022

year 3 with covid19

Dear amici, 

happy 2022! This post is for all of you who are wondering where Italy is now and what the situation is like as we have entered our 3rd year of this pandemic.

Piazza Carignano and Luci d'Artista